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About Philip

"Never Run Out of Cash is a must-read and must-use for business owners, operators, and accountants.  As a former CFO and a business owner, I know how few people really understand how to project and manage cash.

Philip gets it.  And he explains it in a way you can use.

You will learn the important questions.  More importantly, you will learn how to answer them so that YOU never run out of cash.”

Steve Koinis

“This powerful, practical book gives you the key to business success. You learn the most important lessons of all to become wealthy.”

Brian Tracy, author


“This is a revolutionary money-management book.

Throw out all the other complicated methods of handling projections and financial strategizing – use Philip’s Peace of Mind schedule to get just that – Peace of Mind about your cash flow!”

Dr. Joe Vitale
Best-selling author of “Spiritual Marketing” and numerous other works.

"Philip Campbell's book shows you not only how to manage the dollars and cents of cash-flow, but also how to manage your attitude and beliefs about it.... something I've never seen anywhere else. If you want to learn how to finally solve your cash-flow problems - get this book now!"

Jim Edwards
Author, "Immediate Money Immediately"

I highly recommend that you follow Philip's step-by-step process. It was so easy to do.  It made all the difference for me.  Now I'm finally back to having fun growing my business."

Ricky Hux, Owner and President
Best Fit Solutions, LLC

“Never Run Out of Cash is a must read for anyone involved in business. Philip has written an easy-to-read guide with practical tips and strategies you can implement immediately.”

Jill Griffin, author, “Customer Loyalty: How to Earn It, How to Keep It”


Monthly Confidence Package Example


Understanding Your Cash Flow - In Less Than 10 Minutes

Imagine being in complete control of your cash flow every single month… and freeing up more of your time to focus on the fun stuff like taking care of customers and growing your business (not the boring financial stuff).


I'm super excited to share with you my Complimentary Quick Start Guide Understanding Your Cash Flow - In Less Than 10 Minutes.


That's right, I'm sharing it. It's completely FREE.


I'll show you how to explain what happened to your cash to your partner, banker, maybe even your spouse in a 2-minute conversation.


Click here to grab it while it's still free.


Click the link below to check out the Monthly Confidence Package example.

One look at this example monthly financial reporting package and you will see why it is such a killer tool for creating credibility and confidence in the people (banks, lenders, investors, etc.) invested in your financial success.

The typical financial reporting package is just some basic financial statements that are less than insightful (and they look boring).

You provide real insight for the user when you take a more strategic and thoughtful approach to serving them a package that screams credibility and insight (you have to put your Chef’s hat on). J

It includes financial projections down to the cash flow level.

The interactive cash flow dashboard in there is super cool too. Just mouse over the months and it changes all the numbers on the fly so you see the results visually (even inside the PDF).

Here is the link to the Monthly Confidence Package example.

(You can download the format of the spreadsheet that drives the cash flow dashboard here).

Send me an email and let me know what you think about it.

To your success,

Philip Campbell

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